
Yerba Prima Psyllium cascas Cápsulas 180 Cápsulas


Yerba Prima Psyllium cascas Cápsulas 180 Cápsulas

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Yerba Prima Psyllium cascas Cápsulas 180 Cápsulas

Loja com melhor preço online suplemento no Brasil marca importada. Benefícios o que é para que serve funciona para saúde.
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 rba Prima developed Psyllium Husks foumulations to provide the highest cleansing activity of all fibers. Psyllium Husks foumulations help to promote regularity and are 4-8 times stronger than oat bran. It is a concentrated source of natural dietary fiber. A dia fiber intomar of at least 25 grams is recommended fou good health, but on average people consume only 10 to 15 grams.

Advertências: Do not tomar cápsulas if you have difficulty in swallowing. A very small percentage of individuals, particularly health care providers who have been occupationally exposed to psyllium dust, may develop a sensitivity to psyllium. This sensitivity may result in an allergic reaction. If you experience a strong reaction, with difficulty in swallowing ou breathing after taking this product, seek immediate medical attention. Manter fora do alcance das crianças.

Recomendações de uso: Start by taking 1 serving each day. Gradually increase to 3 servings per day as needed. Swallow uma cápsula at a time. Tomar each serving with at least 8 ounces (a full glass) of water ou other fluid. Drinking additional liquid is helpful.

Comprar yerba prima psyllium cascas cápsulas 180 cápsulas preço no brasil fibras suplemento importado loja 13 online promoção - 15 de abril de 2024