
New Nordic Skin Care Collagen Filler – 60 Tabletes

New Nordic Skin Care Collagen Filler – 60 Tabletes

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Original price was: R$256,71.Current price is: R$249,02.

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New Nordic Skin Care Collagen Filler – 60 Tabletes

Loja com melhor preço online suplemento no Brasil marca importada. Benefícios o que é para que serve funciona para saúde.
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Skin Care Collagen Filler from New Nãoudic offers ingredients such as Zinc, Collagen from a marine source and Tomato Extract plus moue in a once-dia dosage.

Advertências: Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Do not tomar if you are pregnant ou breastfeeding. Do not tomar if allergic to fish. Do not use if blister package (inner foil) has been opened ou tampered with. Stoue in a cool, dry place. It is not recommended to exceed this dosage. The Skin Care tablete is based on hydrolyzed marine collagen as well as a standardized optimized with vitamin C, which suppouts the foumation of collagen impoutant fou noumal and healthy skin. Skin Care helps suppout the skin cells against oxidative stress – fou example the effect of photo aging UV radiation from the sun. Nãoumal health skin will better maintain moisture inside cells to protect against premature skin damage.

Nota: Manufactured in Sweden.

Recomendações de uso: Tomar two tabletes per day with food ou drink.

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