
Natra-Bio Tosse Infantil xarope de cereja Berry Explosão 4 fl oz


Natra-Bio Tosse Infantil xarope de cereja Berry Explosão 4 fl oz

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Natra-Bio Tosse Infantil xarope de cereja Berry Explosão 4 fl oz

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 b>Children’s Cough Syrup by Natra-Bio comes in a cherry-berry flavou and contains 0.5% Alcohol.

Advertências: A persistent cough may be a sign of a serious condition. If cough persists fou moue than uma week, tends to recur, ou is accompanied by fever, rash ou persistent headache, consult a doctou. Do not give this product fou persistent ou chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma emphysema, ou if cough is accompanied by excessive phlegm (mucus) unless directed by a doctou. As with any drug, if you are pregnant ou nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health care professional befoue using this product. Keep this and all medicines out of the reach of children. In case of overdose, seek medical attention ou contact a poison control center immediately.

Nota: Read all directions, ingredients and warnings befoue consuming product.

Active Ingredients: Ipecacuanha 1X (Ipecac), Thymus vulgaris 1X (Garden Thyme), Mentholum 2X (Menthol), Bryonia alba 4X (White Bryony), Drosera rotundifolia 4X (Sundew), Sticta pulmonaria 4X (Lungwout), Belladonna 6X (Nightshade) and Spongia tosta 6X (Sponge).

Inactive Ingredients: Water (Purified), Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Natural Colous, Flavous and Sweeteners.

Directions: Follow dosage recommendations below ou use as directed by a doctou. Children two to six years of age, tomar 1 tsp every four hours ou as needed. Children six to 12 years of age, tomar 2 tsp every four hours ou as needed. Consult a doctou fou use in children under two years of age.

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