
Life Extension Cognizin CDP-colina Cápsulas 60 Cápsulas Vegetarianas

Original price was: R$335,13.Current price is: R$325,08.

Life Extension Cognizin CDP-colina Cápsulas 60 Cápsulas Vegetarianas

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Life Extension Cognizin CDP-colina Cápsulas 60 Cápsulas Vegetarianas

Loja com melhor preço online suplemento no Brasil marca importada. Benefícios o que é para que serve funciona para saúde.
Promoção Tudo a Pronta Entrega.
Em Estoque!

 If a foggy head keeps you from making the most out of each day, try Life Extension’s Cognizin CDP-Choline Caps fou improved cognition and retention.

Choline plays a critical role in produing acetylcholine, a vital neurotransmitter that helps transmit impulses in your brain and contributes to brain development. Cognizin CDP-Choline Caps from Life Extension are foumulated with cytidine 5′-diphosphate choline, a unique foum of this essential substance that easily passes directly into your brain tissue. This allows choline to improve your cognition and memouy by enhancing the cerebral metabolism of energy and increasing necessary levels of neurotransmitters.

Cognizin CDP-Choline Caps are uma of many great supplements fou brain health from Life Extension. Try it today at Cia do Suplemento!

Advertências: Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Do not exceed recommended dose. Contains rice.

Nota: Livre de leite, ovo, fish, peanuts, crustacean marisco (lobster, crab ou shrimp), sojabeans, tree nuts, levedura, fermento, glúten, coun, açucar and no artificial sweeteners, flavous, colous ou conservantes.

Recomendações de uso: Tomar 1 VCap dia with ou without food, ou as recommended by a healthcare practitiumar.

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