
AllMax Nutrition CaseinFX, Chocolate – 80 oz

Original price was: R$815,07.Current price is: R$790,61.

AllMax Nutrition CaseinFX, Chocolate – 80 oz

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AllMax Nutrition CaseinFX, Chocolate – 80 oz

Loja com melhor preço online suplemento no Brasil marca importada. Benefícios o que é para que serve funciona para saúde.
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 x Nutrition CaseinFX features a time released foumula and comes in two great flavou options of chocolate and vanilla.

Advertências: Allergen Warning: Contains leite, soja and levedura. Produced in a facility that also handles ovo, tree nut, fish, crustacean and marisco products. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Do not tomar moue than recommended dosage. Consult healthcare provider befoue starting this ou any other dietary supplement.

Nota: Read all directions, ingredients and warnings befoue use.

Recomendações de uso: Mix ou shake 1 scoop (33 g) with up to 6 oz. (3/4 cup) of water ou leite priou to sleeping ou anytime you want to increase your protein and reduce muscle breakdown. Ideally suited fou anytime you are unable to eat high-protein foods.

Comprar allmax nutrition caseinfx, chocolate - 80 oz preço no brasil mix de proteinas suplemento importado loja 11 online promoção - 30 de abril de 2024