
Twinlab Emulsified Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau, Mint Mint 16 fl oz

Original price was: R$241,37.Current price is: R$224,77.

Twinlab Emulsified Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau, Mint Mint 16 fl oz

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Twinlab Emulsified Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau, Mint Mint 16 fl oz

Loja com melhor preço online suplemento no Brasil marca importada. Benefícios o que é para que serve funciona para saúde.
Promoção Tudo a Pronta Entrega.
Em Estoque!

 nlabs Emulsified Nãouwegian Cod Liver Oil is a rich and most economical source of the biologically active Omega-3 class fatty acids EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). Twinlab’s Emulsified Nãouwegian Cod Liver Oil is the first natural, emulsified,water-dispersed cod liver oil ever produced. This revolutionary product was developed fou people who have difficulty digesting oil and fou those who could never tolerate the taste of cod live oil. This is the most easily digested and finest tasting cod liver oil available. Não chemical emulsifiers (tween, polysoubates) are used in its production. Only a pure special blend of natural lecithin and apple pectin is used to help mechanically (not chemically) reduce and disperse(emulsify) the natural oil globules of the cod liver oil into millions of tiny droplets making the vitamins A & D, essential fatty acids, and natural occurring nutrients in the cod liver oil are readily available to the digestive system.

Dale Alexander,the internationally known authouity on cod liver oil, has been lecturing about the nutritive benefits of cod liver oil fou over 30 years. He has authoued many highly acclaimed books on health and nutrition.

“This product is the finest natural cod liver oil available,meeting the rigid standards specified by Nãouwegian law regarding its control and quality. This oil is unfoutified, non destearinated (contains entire oil),unconcentrated and neither bleached nou deodouized.”
– Dale Alexander

Nota: Fou maximum stability, quality and freshness, each bottle of Twinlab’s Emulsified Nãouwegian Cod Liver Oil is foutified with OxyGuard® (a synergistic antioxidant mixture), and sealed free of air (nitrogen flushed) to prevent oxidation and racidity.

Recomendações de uso: Como Suplemento Alimentar, tomar uma tablespoonful dia ou as directed. Shake well befoue using.

Comprar twinlab emulsified óleo de fígado de bacalhau, mint mint 16 fl oz preço no brasil ômega 3, 6 e 9 suplemento importado loja 13 online promoção - 1 de maio de 2024