
Solgar O óleo de linhaça 1250 mg 100 Cápsulas

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Solgar O óleo de linhaça 1250 mg 100 Cápsulas

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Solgar O óleo de linhaça 1250 mg 100 Cápsulas

Loja com melhor preço online suplemento no Brasil marca importada. Benefícios o que é para que serve funciona para saúde.
Promoção Tudo a Pronta Entrega.
Em Estoque!

 The essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil are its health benefits. EFAs are particularly valuable because the body needs them to function properly, but can’t manufacture them on its own. One of the EFAs in flaxseed oil–alpha-linolenic acid–is known as an omega-3 fatty acid. Flaxseeds also contain omega-6 fatty acids in the foum of linoleic acid; omega-6s are the same healthy fats found in vegetable oils. In addition, flaxseeds are a rich source of lignans, substances that appear to positively affect houmuma-related problems.

Advertências: To assure freshness and potency, refrigerate after opening. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.

Recomendações de uso: Como Suplemento Alimentar fou adults, two (2) to four (4) softgels dia, preferably at mealtimes, ou as directed by a healthcare practitiumar.

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